2019 – Santa Fe, NM

To everyone who attended RMCLAS 2019 in Santa Fe, thank you so much for coming, for sharing your knowledge and ideas, and helping to make the meeting a success. The information on this year’s award winners is now available and congratulations again to all of them. Susan Ramirez and I are tremendously grateful to everyone who helped out in all the different ways that it takes to pull off a meeting and make it worthwhile.

We will be meeting in Las Cruces, NM in 2020 and details will follow on that!

Saludos, Sue Kellogg and Susan Ramirez

Final Conference Information & Program

First of all, dear colleagues, Susan Ramirez and I are excited that our meeting is in a little less than a week’s time. We are hoping for beautiful weather and that everyone will enjoy being in Santa Fe as much as we have. Here are some reminders and additional information:

  • For those flying in directly to Santa Fe, here is a link with ground transportation information:
    For the Albuquerque airport, here is a similar link.
  • Please be sure to view the final program not only to note all the sessions (66 in total), but the special sessions: Thursday from 12:30-1:30, with filmmaker Emily Cohen Ibanez; Thursday from 5:30-6:30, honoring Tom Davies; and Friday, 5:30-6:30 with Nicaraguan student activists.
  • Also, please note the opening and closing receptions–we hope you can join us.
  • At the back of the program, you will find a very abbreviated listing of things to do and restaurants in and around Santa Fe; that list is also attached here.
  • Finally, on technology, RMCLAS will supply projectors and screens for each meeting room; we cannot provide laptops. When we meet in Santa Fe, because we are not attached to a university, we do not have technical support for the equipment. Susan R. and I will make sure the equipment is distributed, but we cannot ourselves provide support. If anyone is willing to help us with setting up the projectors and responding to problems (Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning), please let us know. We would be grateful.

Hasta pronto, Sue K. and Susan R.


RMCLAS 2019 Annual Conference

The 66th Annual Conference of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Wednesday, April 3rd through Saturday, April 6th, 2019. The RMCLAS Annual Conference provides an opportunity for scholars and graduate students to share original research on Latin America. The conference will be held at the Hotel Santa Fe.

Call for Papers

Panels and paper proposals on any topic in Latin American Studies are welcome. In addition to panels that present original research, we also welcome panels and roundtable discussions that focus on other aspects of academic life, including pedagogy, career planning, and teaching. We encourage presentations from all disciplines including, but not limited to, Anthropology, Archaeology, Art History, Cultural Studies, Economics, Environmental Studies, Ethnomusicology, Film Studies, Gender Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, Political Science, and Sociology.

We suggest that panels consist of a chair, at least three presenters, and a commentator (one of whom may be the chair and/or commentator). Papers can be presented in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Please fill out the panel proposal on the Google form link here: https://goo.gl/forms/dvPUEZTiuv490bs43

This form will also accommodate single-paper proposals. The deadline for panel and paper proposals is January 7, 2019.  Be sure to hit “submit” when you are done. It is probably wise to prepare your panel proposal in your word processing program, then paste it into this form (to avoid losing info etc.). You should have a backup of your proposal in any case.

Membership in RMCLAS and conference registration is required to participate in the conference.


Sue K. (skellogg@uh.edu) and Susan R. (s.ramirez@tcu.edu)

Conferencia Anual 2019 de RMCLAS

La 66a Conferencia Anual del Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies que se celebrará en Santa Fe, New Mexico del miércoles 3 – 6 (sabado) de abril, 2019.  La Conferencia Anual de RMCLAS ofrece una oportunidad para la comunidad académica (profesores y estudiantes posgraduados) de compartir investigaciones originales sobre Latinoamérica. El hotel del congreso será el Hotel Santa Fe.


Paneles y propuestas de ponencias sobre cualquier tema en Estudios Latinoamericanos son bienvenidos. Además de los paneles que presentan investigaciones originales, también damos la bienvenida a paneles y mesas redondas que se centran en otros aspectos de la vida académica, incluyendo la pedagogía y la planificación de carrera. Animamos a las presentaciones de todas las disciplinas, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, Antropología, Arqueología, Historia del Arte, Estudios Culturales, Economía, Estudios Ambientales, Etnomusicología, Cinematología, Estudios de Género, Historia, Lingüística, Literatura, Ciencias Políticas y Sociología.

Se sugiere que las mesas consistan de tres ponentes y un comentarista (el coordinador puede ser un ponente o el comentarista). Las ponencias pueden ser en inglés o español o portugués. Favor de llenar el documento de propuesta por presentación (en Google Forms).  La fecha límite de inscripción es el 7 de enero de 2019.

Se recomienda que se prepare la propuesta en un programa como Word, y despues pegarlo en la Google Form.  Aqui está el link de Google Forms para las propuestas: https://goo.gl/forms/dvPUEZTiuv490bs43

Acuerdese de clickear “submit” al final y esperar el mensaje “Thanks!”


Sue K. (skellogg@uh.edu) and Susan R. (s.ramirez@tcu.edu)

RMCLAS 2019 Conferência Anual

A 66a. Conferência Anual do Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies acontecerá em Santa Fe, New Mexico, EUA, de 3 – 6 de Abril de 2019. A Conferência anual do RMCLAS oferece a académicos e alunos de pós-graduação a oportunidade de intercâmbio de pesquisas originais sobre América Latina. O hotel da Conferência será o Hotel Santa Fe.

Chamada de Trabalhos

Encorajamos painéis e projetos sobre qualquer assunto em estudos Latino-americanos são bem-vindos. Além de painéis de pesquisa original, convidamos também painéis e mesas-redondas sobre outros aspectos da vida acadêmica, incluindo a pedagogia o planejamento de carreira. Nós encorajamos apresentações de todas as disciplinas incluindo Antropologia, Arqueologia, História da Arte, Estudos Culturais, Economia, Estudos Ambientais, Etnomusicologia, Estudos de Cinema, Estudos de Gênero, História, Linguística, Literatura, Ciência Política e Sociologia.

Sugere-se que as mesas sejam compostas de três apresentadores (um dos quais pode ser o coordenador) e um comentarista. Os trabalhos podem ser em Inglês, Espanhol ou Português. Por favor, preencha o documento titulado proposta de apresentação.  A data limite para a inscrição de mesas e trabalhos é 7 de Janeiro de 2019. Aqui está o link: https://goo.gl/forms/dvPUEZTiuv490bs43

Mais informações serão publicadas na página web do RMCLAS (www.rmclas.org) a medida que se tornarem disponíveis.


Sue K. (skellogg@uh.edu) and Susan R. (s.ramirez@tcu.edu)